Given that it is January 2013 it is time to start talking about Gwinnett County property tax in 2013. As you may be aware the effective date of appraisal in Georgia for property tax purposes is January 1 of every year. Currently, the tax assessors personnel are verifying sales that took place during calendar year 2012 that they will use to change values for tax year 2013. According to the Case-Shiller home price index for Atlanta Georgia home prices have risen approximately 10.5% since February 2012. However, this is an average and not all market areas have risen.
For example, based on data from, values in the Brookwood elementary school district in Snellville, Georgia declined 32% from the market peak to trough, and values have declined 11% in 2012 as compared to 2011. Overall values in this market area are considered weak. In Riverside elementary school district in Suwanee Georgia values also declined 32% from peak to trough and were down 5.3% in 2012 as compared to 2011. Values here are also considered weak. In the Gwin Oaks elementary school district in Lawrenceville, Georgia values declined 44% from peak to trough but values were up in 2012, approximately 14% over 2011. In Freeman's Mill elementary school district also in Lawrenceville, Georgia values declined 38% from peak to trough and recently values have been stable.