Many property owners continue paying the property taxes on their assets without even a pip of a fight. This is such a shame considering that a property tax increase can be challenged – or more appropriately, the property’s assessed value as determined by the county’s local tax assessors can be challenged via a formal Dekalb property tax appeal. Emphasis must be made that there are no avenues for appealing a property tax bill once the Office of the Tax Commissioner has sent it to the concerned property owner.
Fortunately, challenging the property assessment via an appeal is possible and, when you play your cards right, winnable. Start by gaining knowledge, or reliable and relevant information, to be more precise so that you’re on a more secure footing during the appeal’s hearing. You can hire a tax reduction consultant for the job but it still pays to be an informed property owner for your own benefit.
Know Who to Approach First
Aside from approaching a reliable Dekalb property tax consultant, you should approach the local tax assessor when you have worries about a property tax increase for the previous year. You should be courteous and professional in your approach so that you’re likely to receive the same treatment.
Also, you should be assertive, nonetheless, about your rights as a property owner in relation to your plans of a possible appeal. Your rights include getting photocopies of your property’s tax card and your neighbors’ property tax cards, getting an interview with an authorized representative of the Board of Assessors, and getting information from the board regarding the methodology used in determining the assessed value. With the right information, you have higher chances of a winning appeal.
Know the Factors Affecting Taxes
Bear in mind, too, that there are several factors affecting property tax increase on your real property. These factors consist of controllable and uncontrollable factors as well as external and internal factors. And it’s your job as a property owner and taxpayer to differentiate between these factors. You will find that, indeed, focusing on what you can control will be in your favor.
For example, you can control what you do about the erroneous entries on the property tax card. You may ask the local tax assessor to correct these entries and, thus, reduce your property’s assessed values.
You must also know your real property inside and out. You should know its basics including: type of home (i.e., two-story or one-story with loft due to high ceilings); type of home improvements done, such as renovations and repairs; square footage for the lot and home; type of functional obsolescence in your home; and number of bedrooms and bathrooms.
When you file a Dekalb property tax appeal, you will likely combat its property tax increase but be sure to play your cards right. You’re well-advised to hire Fair Assessments, LLC, an experienced tax reduction consultant.