The Tax Appeal Process in Gwinnett County

Posted by Daniel Jones on May 14, 2021 3:00:00 PM

If you own a residential or commercial property in Gwinnett County, Georgia, you are probably aware of the rapidly rising property values. These increasing values create a chain reaction, of sorts, in increasing tax assessments in the county and a corresponding increase in property taxes. If you find yourself scratching your head each year when receiving your property tax assessment and wonder if you have any recourse, we have good news for you. Gwinnett County provides an appeals process for your assessment that could lead to reduced taxes. 

Tax Appeal Process in Gwinnett County

Here is how the tax appeal process in Gwinnett County works.


  1. File your appeal in a timely manner. Gwinnett County allows you a 45-day period in which to file your appeal. This appeal period, or “season” as it is sometimes referred to, starts at the date of the mailing of your assessment. If this appeal deadline is missed, you have lost your opportunity for a tax assessment review.
  2. Select the filing process. In Gwinnett County you can choose to file your assessment appeal digitally online, or by downloading and printing out the appropriate form and mailing into the Tax Assessor's office. You can download the form here. Once the form is downloaded, printed and filled out, it should be mailed to the Gwinnett County Board of Assessors, 75 Langley Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30046.
  3. Check your appeal status online. You can check on your tax assessment appeal in Gwinnett County online once you have filed your protest. Be aware, however, that this process can be lengthy, taking months to resolve.
  4. Approve or reject your reviewed assessment. You have an opportunity to either accept or reject your reviewed tax assessment, and can do so right online. If you reject the amended tax assessment you have another 30 days to continue your appeal.

Appealing your property tax assessment is a right provided by the State of Georgia and facilitated by the county where you own property. Whether you own a commercial property, rental property, vacation home or residential property, you have the right to appeal annually. Fair Assessments can help.

How Can Help

Fair Assessment has over 16 years of experience in helping property owners get their tax assessments reduced, resulting in significant property tax savings. We are a small, focused company working with a virtual office to maintain a low, efficient overhead. From your initial filing through any continuing appeals process, we are by your side every step of the way. Contact us today and see if we can help you save on your Atlanta, GA area property taxes. We look forward to working with you. 


Topics: Tax Appeal Process

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