Need to Appeal Property Tax in Fulton County?

Posted by Daniel Jones on May 17, 2021 9:00:00 AM

If you've received your property tax assessment in Fulton County and don't agree with the amount of the assessment, you're probably not alone. But you also may not be sure what to do next, or whether you can get any relief from high property taxes. Fortunately, there's help available. At Fair Assessments, we're focused on appealing property taxes for homeowners, in order to give them the opportunity to pay less in taxes. We work to get the taxable value reduced, which lowers the overall tax bill.

Appeal Property Tax in Fulton County

How Are Property Taxes Assessed?

Property taxes in Fulton County, and other Metro Atlanta areas, are assessed by a county board. The Fulton County Board of Assessors offers a website where residents and others who own properties in that county can ask questions, get information, sign up for e-mailed notices, and more. Every year, property owners will get a notice of valuation that tells them how their property has been assessed and how much their property taxes will be. Sometimes, that assessment seems far too high.

Why Work With an Appeals Company?

Choosing to work with property tax appeal companies like ours could mean saving a significant amount on your property tax. Every year, we're able to get assessments lowered for property owners in Fulton County, just like you. If you think you're paying too much, or the tax assessment on your property is too high, reaching out for an appeal can be a great way to see about paying less, safely and legally. Tax assessments can be inaccurate, and we'll work to get you a lower and more accurate valuation for your property.

What Does Fair Assessments Offer?

Fair Assessments offers guidance and help when it comes to making a property tax appeal. We can complete the appeals process for you, and keep you advised of the decision. That way, you don't have to bother with the appeals process yourself, or worry about any confusing information. Property tax appeals companies are designed to help people who aren't sure how to appeal on their own, along with those who are busy and don't want to take the time to make an appeal of their taxes. We're here to help.

How Can You Get Started?

To get started, contact us at Fair Assessments today. We know you have a choice in property tax appeal companies, and we're dedicated to working hard for you, so you can pay less. By working with us to get your property tax assessment lowered, you'll be able to have more financial security and peace of mind in your Fulton County home. That's a great feeling, and gives you the opportunity to focus on more of what matters instead of worrying about property tax issues. Let us help you today.


Topics: Appeal Property Tax in Fulton County

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