Every year end brings a close to previous plans and ambitions. A new year brings forth new prospects in nearly all affairs. The same approach extends to the taxation field. A new year brings the realization of an overview of the same. Cobb County uses taxes to finance their operations similar to other states and countries. Taxation systems involve different forms and approaches from corporate tax to personal income tax. One form of taxation in all Georgia counties is the property tax. This form of tax has often led to contention based on tax assessment value. Often the revaluation of tax assessments lead to higher levels of taxation.
Property owners and titleholders find it challenging to meet these higher tax burdens. Aggrieved individuals could correct this scenario through a property tax appeal. To understand how property taxes are generated it is proper to look at the system. The process commences when the board of tax assessors, a supposedly independent body, review and establish a fair value for all taxable property in the county. The board of tax assesors is formed and delegated duties through the county commissioners. The beginning of every New Year, January 1, is the property valuation date in Georgia. Property owners fill forms that determine exemption or tax subjection. It is important to note that taxable values conform to the state laws.
When it comes to property tax appeals, there are certain processes in place to avoid misuse or abuse of the mass appraisal processes that the tax assessors use to establish values. Titleholders first need to receive a notice of assessment accompanied with property tax estimates. It is required that all property owners in Georgia receive a property tax assessment notice every year. In case of distress, you have 45 days to launch the appeal through the tax assessor's office. Preferably, you should seek guidance when launching the appeal. A property tax consultant can handle the entire process for you at a reasonable fee.
Evaluation of the property depends on the use of the property, zoning, condition, functional or external obsolescence, market area, and uniformity of assessments. The appeal resolution time varies, but Cobb County generally has most commercial property tax appeals completed before taxes are due. Residential property tax appeals are worked later in the year. The appealed tax assessment is first reviewed by the Cobb County Tax Assessors and if they refuse to adjust your tax assessment your appeal is automatically forwarded to the Cobb County Board of Equalization. If the tax assessors adjust your value, you have 30 days to accept the revised value or furtherr the appeal to the board of equalization.
Property owners often lay back and try to absorb the costs of extra taxation. This may result in a high financial burden and loss of future wealth. You should realize that logging an appeal is your right and one should do so if they feel aggrieved by the taxes levied on them. Another consideration is errors could have led to high levels of taxation. You should always take time to critically analyze your tax assessment upon receiving it as this ensures a fair assessment. In the event of launching an appeal, consider Fair Assessments, L.L.C.