Working With the Board of Assessors in Gwinnett County

Posted by Daniel Jones on Sep 6, 2021 9:09:00 AM

In Gwinnett County, the Board of Assessors was established by Georgia law all the way back in 1913. The number of members changes occasionally, but the law insists that it shall always be "not less than three or more than five." Appointed by the County Governing Authority, they're the people who value and maintain county-wide property information - meaning their assessment of your property will directly influence how much you pay in taxes every year.

Interestingly, they're also the people who oversee the appeal process - again, in accordance to state law. This means that if you disagree with your assessment and want to file an appeal, you'll be taking your case straight to them - something that certainly requires you to keep a few key things in mind.


The Ins and Outs of the Gwinnett County Board of Assessors

It's important to understand that all taxable property in Gwinnett County will receive an assessment notice in the mail each year. Any change made to the value of your home will be listed on this notice. It's always a good idea to keep records for at least the last few years so that you can compare and see what, if any, changes have been made.

If you choose to file an appeal, you can do so for both residential and commercial property right on the Tax Assessor's website. Just download and fill out the form and either mail it in or submit it electronically.

Once that appeal has been filed, a member will review it and decide if A) they accept your requested change, if B) they have decided on a separate new value based on additional information, or C) let the original value stand. Regardless of what happens, you will be notified in the mail of any action taken. At that point you have 30 days to either accept or reject this new proposal. 

In the end, working with the Board of Assessors in Gwinnett County can certainly be a long process - even if everything technically goes smoothly. That's why we always recommend enlisting the services of an organization like Fair Assessments to take up the task on your behalf. We understand exactly how this process works and know how to get it done efficiently, all so that you can free up your valuable time so that you can focus more of your attention on living your life, exactly as things should be.

So if you'd like to find out more information about working with the Board of Assessors in Gwinnett County, or if you have any additional questions you'd like to talk about with an expert, please don't hesitate to contact Fair Assessments today.

Topics: Board of Assessors in Gwinnett County

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