What to Understand About the Fulton County Assessment Appeals Board

Posted by Daniel Jones on Jul 20, 2021 9:30:00 AM

Every year in Fulton County you'll receive an assessment notice in the mail - and on that notice will be the Current Year Value of your home. In the event that you disagree with this value - meaning that you think it's too high or is unrealistic in some way - it's absolutely worth your time to file an appeal. Doing so can help lower the amount you'll be expected to pay in property taxes, which can save you significant money moving forward.

Should you choose to file that appeal, you'll be working directly with the Fulton County Assessment Appeals Board. Doing so requires you to keep a number of important things in mind.


Appealing Your Current Year Value in Fulton County

As is true with most other counties in the state, the Fulton County Assessment Appeals Board accepts manual filing at all locations. You can either mail your appeal or hand deliver it to 235 Peachtree Street, NE, Suite 1200, in Atlanta, Georgia.

After downloading the appropriate appeal form from the Assessment Appeals Board's website, you'll be asked to include a few key pieces of information. This includes not only your property ID number and address but also your daytime telephone number, your estimate of the value of your property, and more. You'll have the opportunity to specify what type of appeal method you're interested in pursuing (meaning a meeting with the Board of Equalization, arbitration or a meeting with a hearing officer). Note, however, that additional fees are likely to apply if you choose either of the latter two methods.

You'll also need to specify whether you want to be billed at 85% or 100% of the Current Year Value while your appeal is being reviewed. At that point, you can attach any supporting documents and submit your appeal by hand.

Of course, you can also file your appeal online - something that will likely see it resolved faster. Having said that, the system may be temporarily unavailable at times so this isn't necessarily something you would want to plan on.

While it's certainly true that working with the Fulton County Assessment Appeals Board can be a difficult - not to mention time-consuming - process, it certainly doesn't have to be. This is especially true when you have a partner by your side like Fair Assessments, one who has been navigating this process successfully on behalf of clients like you for many years.

So if you'd like to find out more information about working with the Fulton County Assessment Appeals Board, or if you're just eager to get your own process started without delay, please feel free to contact Fair Assessments today.

Topics: Fulton County Assessment Appeals

property tax appeals

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