What a Dekalb County Tax Consultant Does

Posted by Daniel Jones on Nov 5, 2019 3:00:00 PM

Many property owners are reluctant to hire a Dekalb County tax consultant because of their fear of the costs involved.  But this may be an unreasonable fear where the projected tax savings outweigh the costs of the services. 

You must first perform a cost-and-benefits analysis to determine that hiring tax consultants will eventually accrue to your benefit. Keep in mind that the benefits are not only monetary in nature but also have non-monetary aspects.  The tax appeals process, which can take anywhere between 3-9 months, from documentation to conclusion, requires time, energy and expertise that you may not possess. 

Here are the four services that Dekalb County tax advisors can deliver. 

Prepare the Application for Review of Assessment

You should be aware that there is a formal process involved in tax assessment appeal. You should then discuss the best way that you can state your intentions with your Dekalb County tax consultant.  Your goal is to clearly communicate your intention and to significantly increase your chances for a winning appeal.

You should also be aware of the deadlines associated with each step in the tax assessment appeal process. Your inability to meet the deadlines, which can be the result of your ignorance about the rules or inaction on the matter, will result in the forfeiture of your rights to appeal until the next taxable period.  Your tax advisors should be able to meet these deadlines because of their knowledge of the rules and their competent staff working on the documents. 

Perform Market Research on the Property’s Value

Unless you are a certified appraiser, you will have little to no knowledge and skills in property appraisal. You will only be jeopardizing your appeal’s chances by performing a do-it-yourself market research on your property’s values since the assessor’s staff appraiser can easily dispute your findings.  

In contrast, the best Dekalb County tax consultants have experienced appraisers to perform the work for them. You will have more evidence to ensure that your appeal is on better footing.

Act as Your Agent

The assessor’s staff appraiser assigned to your case will ask questions. You are well-advised to refer their questions to your tax advisors since you want to avoid saying things that can jeopardize your appeal.  Your Dekalb County tax consultant can also negotiate the value with the staff appraiser. 

Represent You at Hearings

During the meetings and hearings set by the Board of Tax Assessors and the Board of Equalization, you are well-advised to have expert representation. You will have tax experts who know the ins and outs of the rules and regulations of property assessments and appeals, thus, increasing your chances of success. 

At Fair Assessments, LLC, we work to reduce your property’s assessed values and, hence, to reduce your property taxes for the current year, even for the succeeding two years after the appeal has been filed. 

Topics: Dekalb County Tax Consultant

property tax appeals

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