Heads up Gwinnett County propery owners! Time flys and the Gwinnett County Tax Assessor notices came out on April 5. The 45 day appeal period ends in nine days, on May 20th. You can file your Gwinnett County appeal electronically. You can file your appeal in person at 75 Langley Drive in Lawrenceville, GA. You can file your appeal by mail provided it is postmarked by May 20. I recommend you send your Gwinnett County appeal certified mail with a return receipt requested, if you choose to use the postal service.
Many people ask me if there is anything we can do for them when they miss the Gwinnett County Tax Assessor appeal deadline. The answer is no, there is nothing we can do. The law in Georgia is clear, the time to appeal is within 45 days after the tax assessment notice date. Others wait until their tax bill comes out, and then wish they had taken steps to lower their tax burden. Again, we can do nothing at this point as there is no legal way to challenge a property tax bill, only the tax assessment.