If you own a property in the Atlanta and Cobb County Georgia area, you are likely well aware of how property values have been rising. While this adds long-term value to your home or property, it is also probably increasing your property tax rates. If you find this frustrating, you are not alone. We all want the benefits that come with increasing property values but are not necessarily fond of the rising property taxes that often follow them.
If you are frustrated with a property tax assessment for your Atlanta, GA area property, there are some steps you can take. How these steps are taken can have a significant impact on how successful you may be at getting your property tax assessment reduced.
You have 45 days to appeal your assessment from the mail date of th tax assessment.
Depending on what county your property is located, the appeal may have to be mailed or delivered to the appropriate tax assessors office. Email and faxed appeals are not always accepted.
While you can file the appeal yourself, you may benefit from using a professional tax advisor.
Here are some of the reasons a professional tax advisor like Fair Assessments can be so valuable in helping you get your property tax assessment reduced.
Fair Assessments serves the entire Atlanta area. That means whether you have one or more properties in Gwinnett, Cobb, Fulton or surrounding counties, Fair Assessments can help.
Experience through the various areas and neighborhoods surrounding Atlanta. Part of the ability to be successful in reducing taxes is knowing the real value of properties throughout the region and who is paying what. Fair Assessments knows how values change from neighborhood to neighborhood and can help assure your taxes are in alignment.
There are strict regulations and deadlines. Appealing your tax assessment is not a three-strike opportunity. You get one chance to appeal and each step must be done in a specific way by the deadline date. Fair Assessments makes sure the T's are crossed and the I's dotted. This helps provide peace of mind when attempting to prepare an appeal on your own.
You may miss reasons your property is being over-valued. Because Fair Assessments works with so many Atlanta area property owners, we know where assessors often make errors and what to look for when attempting to get assessed values reduced. This is nearly impossible to do on your own.
Fair Assessments increases your chances of success. Because our appeals are fact based and professionally prepared, we feel that improves your chances for a successful appeal. Your appeal is more likely to be taken seriously and treated with the respect it deserves.
Don't settle for a do-it-yourself approach or by using an inexperienced property tax advisor. Discover the benefits of using the professional, experienced and successful strategies and tactics of Fair Assessments. Contact us today to discuss your property and how me may assist you in securing a property tax rate that is more fair.