Do you own residential or commercial property in Cobb County, Gwinnett County or DeKalb County Georgia? Perhaps you own a home, rental property or commercial building in Fulton County. Do you know how much you are paying in property taxes?
You may have a good idea on what you are paying for property taxes but do you know if you are overpaying for those property taxes?
Perhaps, most importantly, how would you even know if you are paying more than you need to on your property taxes?
When most people in the Atlanta, Georgia Metropolitan area receive their property tax assessments in the mail, they will glance at them and probably quickly compare them mentally to last year's property tax bill. They are then left with a choice. Accept that assessment or dispute or contest it. The majority will accept it, justify it and pay it. They are just too busy to do anything else.
If the most recent assessment doesn't appear to be too excessive or out of line, they will generally pay it and move on. The reality is, most don't know if they are overpaying unless they challenge that tax assessment. Fortunately, both Cobb and Gwinnett Counties provide the opportunity to challenge those property tax assessments. It is your right. There are boards set up within the county to ensure your rights to appeal unjust taxes are protected.
Appealing your property tax assessment, quite frankly, is a process you can do on your own. Most, however, will not. There are, after all, specific forms to fill out in a particular way to the Gwinnett and Cobb County office within a specific time frame. If you make a mistake on your appeal, it is done. This is where Fair Assessments can help. Fair Assessments is a small Atlanta-based firm focused on securing fair property assessments for their clients. We are a company that operates with virtual offices to maintain a minimum overhead. The efforts of Fair Assessments can cap and even reduce the property taxes of our clients.
If you do not really know whether you are overpaying on your property taxes, we can help. Connect with Fair Assessments and allow us to make comparisons with other properties of similar value in the region. We can protest or contest your assessed values to the county in which you live. The savings can be significant. Our efforts can have lasting impact.
Are you overpaying on your property tax? How would you know? Find out and pay the minimum with the help of Fair Assessments. We look forward to helping you.