Fulton Property Tax Appeal Filed Online

Posted by Jill Noelle Olandria on Nov 12, 2015 11:30:00 AM

When the Board of Assessors mails the Annual Notices of Assessment, taxpayers can determine whether a formal protest or appeal is necessary.  In case the assessed value on the property can be contested on one of three grounds, namely, value, taxability, and uniformity, then a Fulton property tax appeal can be filed. 

But instead of mailing your appeal, you can file it online. This is actually encouraged by the Fulton County Board of Assessors since it is more convenient for both parties. 

New Software and Processes

The Fulton County Board of Assessors has acquired new software and implemented new processes, which enable the local taxing authority to process appeals faster.  While the traditional method of mailing in appeals is still in effect, the online filing process is faster, easier and more convenient for everybody involved.  Questions about the Fulton property tax appeal process can still be directed to the concerned taxing officials via phone calls or e-mails. 

When you file online, you will receive a confirmation email about the receipt of your appeal application as well as a unique tracking number.  You can track the progress of your appeal via the Board of Tax Assessor’s official website, which is important especially when it comes to your compliance with deadlines.

Benefits to the Taxpayer

The Fulton property tax appeal online filing is primarily designed for the benefit of taxpayers. You are then well-advised to take advantage of it especially when you want to save on the time, energy and effort required in the traditional route. 

You will also be able to provide information about the subject property, such as documents and comments supporting a lower taxable value. You can also advise the Board of Tax Assessors about issues and concerns regarding the property’s characteristics that you believe to be incorrect.  These include technical specifications and descriptions that will have an impact on the assessed value.   

You also have the benefit of making offers of settlement, receiving messages about questions related to the property, and resolving the appeal in more cost-efficient, results-effective manner, among others.  Your documentation of each step will also be more organized as you have all of the actions you have taken in relation to the Fulton property tax appeal process “in the cloud,” so to speak. 

According to the Board of Tax Assessor, if all taxpayers/appellants file their appeals online, these formal protests can be processed and settled between the parties involved twice as fast in comparison with the traditional method. 

Benefits to the Assessor

Of course, the online filing system also benefits the Board of Tax Assessors in several ways.  The office can ascertain the grounds for appeal since the online filing system allows them to contact the concerned taxpayer via email, as soon as possible.  Many taxpayers file an appeal without stating and explaining the reasons for their appeal, which means that the Tax Assessor has to review the data they used to value the property all over again. If the assessor staff has specific grounds for the appeal they can address those grounds. 

With more appeals moving faster through the system, the more efficient the tax assessment and collection efforts can be.  As part of the local taxing system, this is a must for the Board of Tax Assessors. All taxpayers should want a more efficient local government.  

The bottom line: Everybody benefits from the online filing system of the Fulton property tax appeal process. 

property tax appeals

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