Focus Your Assessment Appeal on the Right Statistics

Posted by Daniel Jones on May 7, 2021 9:00:00 AM

When you're thinking about a property tax assessment appeal in Cobb County or Gwinnett County, you want to make sure it's based on the right information. In other words, you have a higher chance of a more successful appeal if you're comparing your property to others in the county. You might have found comparable properties in other areas, but you can't really use them to make your case. Here's what to think about when it comes to finding the right way to successfully appeal your property taxes.

Assessment Appeal

Your Property is Unique -- But Also Comparable

Every property is unique, but they're all similar when it comes to how the county structures their property taxes. It's not realistic in your appeal to compare your house to other types of dwellings, if there's a lot of differences between them. Instead, you want to make sure you compare your property to other properties that are as close to it as possible. For example, if you're paying a lot more in property taxes than your neighbors, and all your houses are similar, you may want to appeal on that specific basis.

Other Counties May Have Different Costs

Your house won't have the same kind of tax assessment as a similar house in a different state, or even necessarily a similar one in Fulton County or DeKalb County. That's an important point to understand, so you can base your appeal on the kinds of properties that are nearby. If you try to focus on properties that aren't in Cobb County or Gwinnett County, you may find that your appeal isn't successful. It's like comparing apples to oranges, and those types of comparisons often don't work as well for a good appeal.

A Solid Appeal is Very Important

You can fill our your assessment appeal online, or you can use a printed form and mail it to the appeals board for your county. Just make sure you fill everything out to the best of your ability and send it in before the deadline. From the time the valuation information on your property is sent out, you have 45 days to file an appeal. If that appeal isn't successful, you can file another one, and it will travel higher up the chain of command.

The best way to have the highest chance of an approved appeal is to handle it quickly, efficiently, and properly right from the start. Then you can move through the process, and if you file online you can also track the status of your appeal to see where it is. Not only can that help with peace of mind, but you'll also have the opportunity to address any concerns or work with the appeals board for the best possible outcome to your property tax assessment appeal.

Topics: Assessment Appeal

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