Should I Appeal My Assessment to the Board of Equalization?

Posted by Daniel Jones on Mar 7, 2012 6:52:00 PM
In my mind there is no reason to not appeal the value to the board of equalization if you are unhappy with it. In Georgia there is no cost to appeal your value to the board of equalization. You have to remember that the board consists of fellow taxpayers like yourself so there shouldn't be anything to worry about.

However, you may be at somewhat of a disadvantage at the board of equalization (BOE) due to the fact that they work with the same County appraisers on a regular basis, and you are a stranger. If you don't have a very good case that outweighs the case that the assessors have you may not get a reduction. It just depends on the luck of the draw, which board you get.

The board members are not typically real estate professionals. They have spent their lives in other lines of work and had a week of training to learn what the assessors do and what the law is regarding property tax and real estate assessment. It's good to talk in easy-to-understand terminology and not be too aggressive. These people are just trying to do the job that they were selected to do.

If your case for a property tax reduction is weak it may be a waste of time to go to the BOE. If you feel that you have a strong case then by all means go and have your say. Often, if you have a good case and the County has a good case the BOE will split the difference. You will get a reduction in your taxable value, but it won't be as great a reduction as you had hoped for. There is always next year, depending on the state you live in.

Contact Fair Assessments LLC for further information on Georgia commercial property tax appeals and Metro Atlanta residential property tax appeals.
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