Should I Get Professional Help for My Property Tax Appeal?

Posted by Daniel Jones on Feb 13, 2012 6:47:00 PM
It all depends on the amount of time that you have and the interest that you have in learning how the assessor values your property and the hoops that you have to jump through to get your value lower. Anyone can appeal their property tax value, but you need to do some preparation first. If you have a full-time job, a family life, and enjoy a little R&R, then you may want someone else to handle this for you.

There are firms out there that will provide you with market data that you can use in your property tax appeal for a fee. If you go this route, then you will be arguing with the tax assessor's office or with the board of equalization in order to get the value lowered. This isn't a bad way to go if you don't mind taking time off from work to get to a formal hearing or to meet with a County appraiser.

There are other firms out there, like ours, that will appeal your value on your behalf for a flat fee, a percentage of the tax savings generated, or a combination of both. For commercial properties with high values, generally property tax consultants will work these for from 25% to 33% of the tax savings. For residential properties, due to the fact that the values are generally lower and as a result the tax savings are lower, a flat fee is usually charged as well. This is because a residential appeal can take as much time as a commercial appeal even though the tax savings are lower.

If you are uncomfortable talking to a County appraiser or in front of a board of equalization about real estate appraisal issues that you are unfamiliar with, then you might want to consider using a professional. A property tax consultant has a lot of experience working with County appraisers, knows the mass appraisal process that they use, knows traditional real estate appraisal methodology, and has a lot of experience testifying before a board of equalization.

If you would like additional information about property tax appeals and how a professional can assist you please visit Fair Assessments LLC the Atlanta based property tax reduction specialists.
property tax appeals

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