Fulton County Assessment Notices

Posted by Daniel Jones on May 9, 2011 5:48:00 PM
Fulton County sent their 2011 assessment notices to all (or most) real property owners late last week. Unfortunately, much like Gwinnett County, they had a problem with the mailing. Although Fulton managed to send their assessment notices to the correct owners, some of the notices had an incorrect tax estimate. According to the new tax law in Georgia, Senate Bill 346, every property owner must receive an assessment notice every year. This annual notice of assessment is required to include an estimate of the property tax.

Although they are saying the problem appears to be confined to some assessment notices in the city of Atlanta, the incorrect tax amounts on these notices has some property owners falling out of their chairs. Fortunately, the assessment notice is a notice of value estimate and not a tax bill. Tax bills will be issued later this year, presumably with the correct tax amounts.

Fulton County always has more property tax appeals than the other counties in the Atlanta metro area, partially because it is the largest. I recommend getting your appeal filed as early as possible to avoid the crush that will take place right before the deadline which is 45 days from the assessment notice date. We can proactively engage the appropriate Fulton County appraiser and attempt to get your appeal settled THIS YEAR. I have to emphasize this because Fulton County gets so many appeals that your appeal is often settled a year or more after filing.

Please take a look at my qualifications here:http://www.fair-assessments.com/about.html and if you would like professional assistance in your property tax appeal contact us. There is no better time than the present to save more money!
property tax appeals

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